Prospective patients will experience a screening process to determine if this type of care is right for them including a detailed patient history and physical exam including a full, digital postural assessment, cervical range of motion evaluation, and functional muscle balance evaluation as well as additional physical exam to identify any red flags in your case.


Patients who qualify and are accepted for care will get precise digital x-rays taken to allow for an individually-tailored adjustment to ensure the best opportunity for a good correction and beneficial outcome. Post-treatment x-rays are taken after the first correction to determine if the adjustment resulted in the optimal outcome. This allows us to provide the highest standard of image-guided care consistent with best practices in health care and ensure the highest chance of symptomatic relief for our patients.


The NUCCA correction occurs with the patient in a side lying position with a head piece that elevates the patient’s head/neck to a neutral position. Using the measurements derived from digital xrays and precise patient positioning, a subtle correction is applied to the Atlas bone (first vertebrae in neck) without any twisting, popping or cracking to realign the head/neck and restoring body balance.


The target outcome of the NUCCA procedure is for patient to hold their correction and need minimal follow up adjustments. Check-up appointments are initially scheduled over 2 months (7 visits) to ensure the patient is holding alignment while they heal and further treatment is only provided when indicated. After the initial healing period, the doctors at Providence only need to see our patients an average of once every 4-6 months. It is our goal to help you stabilize and heal so that you can more fully enjoy your life in better health without the need for ongoing, regular therapy or treatment.


For patients who qualify and are accepted for care in our clinic, 92% see a significant or complete improvement in even their most chronic symptoms within 4 weeks.
More details here.

If you are interested in booking an appointment, please call or send us a message via our contact page here.